Mind in Motion - Jackie Karkeek

Full information about Establishment and health Mind in Motion - Jackie Karkeek at Holmedale Health,34 Denmark Road, Exeter, England EX1 1SE. Find the address of the company, the phone for communication, opening hours, feedback from customers and employees, as well as other information.


Holmedale Health,34 Denmark Road, Exeter, England EX1 1SE
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Phone number:
+44 7922 190964


Establishment   Health  

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Opening times

Monday 09:00 — 17:30
Tuesday 09:00 — 17:30
Wednesday 09:00 — 17:30
Thursday 09:00 — 17:30
Friday 09:00 — 17:30
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Images of Mind in Motion - Jackie Karkeek

Mind in Motion - Jackie Karkeek

Reviews about Mind in Motion - Jackie Karkeek

  • Amy Emery
    ★ ★ ★ ★ ★

    Jackie was a brilliant hypnotherapist when I spoke to her initially, she was very warming and made me feel at ease. I went to Jackie as I was suffering from chronic pain in my hip and back area and was awaiting chronic pain treatment to have a spinal cord stimulator. I was very depressed at times and was not coping brilliantly, but every session seemed to relax me and mentally prepare me for dealing better with my chronic pain levels at the time. After each session I defiantly felt more in control of my pain and psychologically more positive, which helped a great deal. Jackie always took the time to understand about 'you' the person which was very important and played a key role in the success of my treatment which really helped manage my pain levels at the time and mood as I was in a very dark place. I would highly recommend Jackie as a hypnotherapist, particularly for helping manage chronic pain or any form of pain that can have a dibillitating influence on quality of life. I am pleased to say I have now had a Spinal cord stimulator fitted which has cured my chronic pain and better management of other related issues. Thank you so much Jackie for your sessions in the intervals when my chronic pain was at its worst, your sessions really helped me physically, emotionally and psychologically and will always fondly remember you! Amy xxx
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